Contact information

  • Address: Perissa
  • Postal code (ZIP): 847 03
  • City/Location: Santorini
  • Phone: +30 22860 81957
  • Fax: +30 22860 85402


How to get to Santorini

Santorini can be reached by air from Athens with two flights per day or by ferry from Piraues with frequent departures throught the year. During the summer period there are additional flights between Santorini and other islands, and charter flights from abroad. There are also nautical connections between Santorini and many other Cyclades islands, Dodecanesse, Crete and Thessaloniki.

Participants arriving by air:
Santorini can be reached from most international airports via Athens. Arrival at

Athens airport:
Athens is served by the Athens International Airport Eleftherios Venizelos:From Athens to Santorini airport (Thira):
Nearly all international flights arriving in Greece during this period allow adequate time for making the connecting flight to Santorini, but because local flights have a minimum seating capacity, please book these flights early.

Olympic Airways, Flights Timetables
Aegean Airlines, Flights Timetables

Travel to Santorini by boat from the Port of Piraeus:
For those participants having extra time, there is a regular ferry boat service to Santorini from Piraeus offering a relaxing, pleasant journey. The cost is reasonable and takes an average of nine to ten hours. Advanced reservations are not usually required on the ferry boats. For exact times, call Piraeus port authorities at: + 30 210 422 6000.